What NOT To Do During The Saab 93 Key Industry > 자유게시판

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What NOT To Do During The Saab 93 Key Industry

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작성자 Maggie
댓글 0건 조회 13회 작성일 24-04-03 22:53


Saab Key Replacement

It can be a real pain to lose or have your car keys stolen. It's cheap and easy to get a new car key if you have an additional key.

308785165_499195788347328_5859105632268553197_nlow.jpgTo add an additional key, you will need to take the electronics off your old key fob, and get it programmed to your vehicle via a saab tech 2 device. You'll pay a fee for putting off this process.

Keys that have been stolen or lost are

It's as simple as ever to copy the key onto your vehicle just like it was 20 years ago. The only difference is that modern keys have an electronic chip inside them. These chips provide a huge amount of protection from key theft and copying. However, this doesn't mean that you'll never lose your key.

311170119_2306394586188303_2849487588620745484_nlow.jpgIf you do lose your keys, don't panic! Look around in the places you normally keep your keys. You may find them in your pockets for your jacket, Chessdatabase.science/wiki/10_Unexpected_Saab_93_Key_Replacement_Tips pants or even on the ground near your front door. If you're unable to find your keys, contact a locksmith who will come to your vehicle to help you locate them.

If all your keys are lost, a dealer will repair your car's computer (SAAB CIM or SAAB Twice) in order to make an entirely new key for you. This can be costly and can take a few days. Instead we can reprogramme your existing computer's EEPROM and save you money.

03-11 SAAB 9-3 owners are aware that the ignition key isn't very robust. They can become sticky and the buttons can even break from time time. It is recommended that you make a duplicate of your ignition key, if you only have one. This will spare you from any inconveniences.


Saab owners should have an extra key in case of need as it's easier to replace keys that have been stolen or lost. If you lose only one key, that's a different issue as it's quite costly to purchase a new one and requires a dealer to install and program a new TWICE module (Column Integration Module in earlier cars) and also a brand-new key that is OEM (not from Amazon or eBay).

If your remote control keys aren't locking or unlocking your vehicle, there are a number of possible reasons. The most common reason is a dead coin-cell battery in the key fob, but it could also be due to worn-out buttons or water damage, or receiver module issues.

If you've tried these steps but the issue persists then you may try to resolve it yourself by changing the program of the key. This is done by changing (in reverse Hex) the number count to zero in the ECU. You will need to open the case of the key fob to accomplish this. This can be accomplished by removing the emergency key from the fob. Then, you can use a flathead tool to remove the fob's case and expose the battery. Be cautious when doing this and do not pour or drop any liquids inside the fob as they could harm the electronic components within.

Broken Keys

It can be a stressful experience to lose your keys taken from your car, especially if you do not have an extra. Luckily, you can ease the stress by having replacement keys made by a professional auto locksmith in Bishopthorpe. If you're in the middle of nowhere or just a few miles away, we can provide you with a fresh set of electronic chip keys in no time.

Since 1995 in 1995, every saab 93 key fob is required to have an immobilizer for the vehicle. This makes it almost impossible to steal a car without a specific key. The key must have a transponder that is embedded in it in order to start the engine and open your doors. The key also needs a transmitter/transponder chip that needs to be matched with the car's computer module in order to work. This can only be accomplished by dealers using a tool called Tech-2 or other similar software.

If your key has been damaged in your ignition or lock, it is crucial that you don't try to extract it by yourself, since this could damage the lock and cause other issues. In the event that you try to force a damaged key out is usually a result in the destruction of the key's metal blade or the mechanism of the lock itself. This can be a lot more expensive than hiring a locksmith replace the key.


Saab owners from 1994 and beyond are advised to have two functioning keys for their car. Replacing the only key is expensive and complicated. The dealer must replace both the CIM (Column Integration module) or TWICE, based on the model. They will also need to program the key to work with the new module. Claimed-new key from aftermarket sellers typically are not properly initialized and cannot be programmed correctly when you need of one.

It is not uncommon for the battery in a key fob to wear down after a few years of usage, particularly if it is used often for locking and unlocking the car. Fortunately, replacing the battery in most SAAB 9-3 key fob models is easy and [Redirect-302] doesn't require any special tools.

A mobile SAAB Locksmith can do this service for 75% less money than the dealer would charge. Locksmiths don't need to replace the car's computer. They can reprogram the EEPROM in order to accept the new keys. This can save a lot of money since a brand new car computer can be expensive. This is why it is logical to contact an on-demand SAAB locksmith anytime you require the replacement of a key fob for your car.


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